Water Cloud – Dorrigo

Water Cloud, by artist Stuart Green.
Creative Road worked with Bellingen Shire Council as part of a plan to help revitalise the town centre of Dorrigo and promote cultural tourism by commissioning a landmark contemporary artwork. Entitled ‘Water Cloud’ by artist Stuart Green, the project was spearheaded and generously funded by a local Dorrigo resident as a gift to the town. The objective is for this major site-specific public artwork to attract tourists to stop and enjoy the plateau town. It is hoped that the project will be a catalyst and encourage future streetscape beautification to benefit the local community.
“The artwork seeks to make the dynamism of water – the character and quality of its movement – visible in the form of the artwork. It seeks to show a sliding and slippery surface that is bundled up into its own energetic knot. Through the artwork, we hope to convey something of the enduring and universal character of water”.” – Stuart Green, Artist
Image credit: Calumn Hockey
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