The information & links contained in this article were published in 2023 and may no longer be current. We recommend checking the following sections for more recent content - Policy & Research
Love Your Local is a practical guide for artists, arts workers and organisations to working with Local Government Authorities (LGAs) to achieve creative and professional development goals and deliver on local council policy drivers.
LGAs are among the strongest champions of the arts in Australia – and there are mutual benefits for artists collaborating with councils.
The toolkit explores the many different ways that artists can build win-win collaborations with LGAs, from grants and studio space to professional development, marketing and brokering relationships with businesses. It also advises on what councils need from artists and arts workers in return so they can deliver value to the communities they represent.
Find the Toolkit here.
Cover: Laurel Nannup, First Contact, 2016. Five-metre tall cast aluminium sculpture, Perth’s Elizabeth Quay waterfront precinct. Commissioned for the Perth Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA) and coordinated by FORM and Urban Art Projects (UAP). Project managed and facilitated by FORM Building a State of Creativity. Photo by Robert Frith, Acorn Photo.