The information & links contained in this article were published in 2023 and may no longer be current. We recommend checking the following sections for more recent content - Policy & Research
The Power of Youth Arts: What the research tells us about the benefits of performing arts participation for children and young people.
As human beings we are drawn to arts and culture – for entertainment, fun, and vibrancy in our lives.
But there is growing body of evidence indicating that arts have powerful health, social and educational benefits – for individuals, communities and our society as a whole.
The research shows there are important applications across our lifespans: with a role to play in everything from early childhood education, to aged care, to intergenerational bonding.
For young people in particular, arts appear to have a special power. However, insights from research are not well known – even among those involved in it on a daily basis.
The Australian Theatre for Young People (ATYP) and Patternmakers identified an opportunity for this evidence to be consolidated and shared – and this publication is the result.
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