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How to submit

Please complete the form below entering in all your business or organisation details.  

Once your listing has been submitted a member of our team will check it over and if it meets our submission guidelines we'll publish it on our site.

You'll receive a response from our team in the next 3 working days.

  • Mid North Coast Business or Organisation?

    Please only submit listings that are located on the mid north coast.

  • Promotional Image

    Web resolution image that promotes your business or organisation.  For the best results upload images that are a minimum of 1-1440 pixels wide (maximum 2 MB file size).

  • Contact Details

    Include your business or organisations contact details including social media, website & email.

  • Promotional Text

    Make sure you market your business or organisation effectively, what do you do and why people should choose you.

  • Location

    Make sure people can find your business or organisation by including your location.

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Arts Mid North Coast acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians.

We live and work across the traditional lands of the Gumbaynggirr, Dunghutti/Thunghutti and Biripi Nations on the Mid North Coast of NSW.

Contact Us

Arts Mid North Coast Inc
PO Box 115

Terms Of Usage

A majority of the content that appears on this website has been submitted to us for publication.

Arts Mid North Coast have made every effort to check the accuracy and integrity of all content prior to publication.



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